Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Something to Say

I've never really been a blogger person. And chances are I might not keep up with this one. But I'll try.
I guess the reason I even decided to make this is I don't think that God tells things to us, or reveals himself, or teaches us just for our personal gain and insight about him. We don't have faith just so our life can benefit. He speaks so that we can magnify his name more by telling others, so that they can glorify him also.
I just don't see the point in learning something, then writing it in a journal for only me to see, this is just one way to let it all out. And I know this blog probably won't reach that many people, but if somebody comes to know more about the love and grace of Jesus, then its worth it.
Matthew10:27 says "What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops." Jesus wants us to tell what we have seen and know from him. And in the great commission Jesus says "Now go and make disciples of all nations...teaching them to obey everything I commanded you." Jesus spoke, and now we all have something to say. We have a word that needs to be spoken, and a God whose name needs to be glorified among all nations.

1 comment:

amber said...

SO true! I've realized this a lot lately. God doesn't take us overseas just so he can change us or the people there, but also so we can tell people here (who may never have the same opportunity) what we learned... that they may catch a bigger glimpse of who God is.

I like that you're blogging now :)